Wednesday 17 September 2014

Near Dusk - # 17

I did today's sketch from a photo I took in 2008. I will be giving it to my friend today for her birthday.

Now that I look at the photo next to my artwork, I can see how much better I could have done the values and colours. Also, I was rushing to photograph this to post before midday so it would look like I did my sketch on the 17th.  In my rush I noticed that I hadn't painted in the seagull's beak but at that point I didn't want to use precious time to re-photograph it or I would miss the deadline. 


  1. Wendy - not sure my first comment went through. Your friend is going to enjoy this lovely sketch I am sure. Loved the flip-flops in the picture - wondering if they are yours?? Wait a minute I see a foot - hope it is attached (lol) - hugs!

  2. Lovely painting to give to your friend

  3. I like this one. What a lovely gift for your friend. I had to chuckle that you realized only after you photographed it what you missed...that happens to me so darn often! :) Glad I am not the only one who seems to misses seeing elements of my painting. I guess we just get too close.

  4. A truly lovely watercolor so light and fresh , your friend will be delighted , I'm sure !

  5. Great sketches, Wendy! I enjoyed looking at them. Beautiful photographs, especially the one with your daughter and the lizard. Very sweet. Have a nice weekend!
