Sunday 7 June 2015

Small Joys

I've recently created a miniature garden using only Australian native plants. I made the ceramic toadstools with my own fair hands.

 Australian natives are perfect for miniature gardens as many of them have the most delicate flowers.

 I caught these miniature villains in the act, but before banishing them to the far reaches of the garden I did a photo shoot!

Another garden under construction
                                                               A Stylidium garden
                                      My one small foray into painting over this past month.

My sister's book is now available on Kindle as well as in print form from Amazon and The Book Depository.
I am getting ever closer to finishing my own book. The cover design is almost complete and I am doing the final tweaks to the manuscript. It has consumed me of late but I realised when looking through my recent photos that I have had some very pleasant interludes amongst the toil. Some of them I caught on camera. There must be something in the air as many of my friends have been bringing out their most fetching tableware!
 What I thought was to be a catch up for a simple cup of tea one day turned into an elegant repast.

Another friend had recently inherited some beautiful old china
Another day was an al fresco lunch on a friend's balcony with the prettiest pavlova served for dessert.

And a recent afternoon tea to celebrate a friend's kitchen renovation.
                                   It's always worth taking the camera along on a bushwalk.


                                                           And on a beach walk!


Surfers at sunset.