Saturday, 16 January 2016

Day 16 - Hydrangea

Palette knife - acrylic on board 16cm x 16cm
I painted this yesterday and was one painting ahead of myself, so I got a day off today. I spent an hour or so at the beach this morning which has sparked off some more painting ideas.


  1. One of my favorite flowers, painted beautifully and the color is superb, love this graduation of lilacs and the freedom in your brush strokes .

  2. Thanks so much Jane! I have always loved your beautiful paintings of hydrangeas (hortensias?)

  3. Oh so very lovely! Look at all of those wonderful hue's! You've mastered the palette knife for sure!

  4. Oh I so love your hydrangeas Wendy. The palette knife serves you so well. Hope you are having a delightful weekend. Hugs!

  5. How glorious. I am so amazed that you created that with a palette knife. Beautiful.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  6. Wonderful texture on the hydrangea. I find them so hard to paint. I love it!

  7. This one is really great Wendy. I like the earlier abstract knife paintings but you were really able to hone in on this one and get those petal shapes, values and colors just right. That can be tough to do with the relatively clumsy tool of the palette knife.
    Keep painting...

  8. Oh Wendy - this one is FABULOUS. I really like the way the warm and cool colors vibrate next to each other. You are a rock star with the palette knife.

  9. Lovely Wendy - this has me dreaming of the summer.

  10. Thanks so much everyone for your wonderful comments! I really appreciate your interest!
