Monday, 11 January 2016

Day 11 - Shiny Fatigue

Shiny Fatigue
Acrylic on Board 16cm x 16cm
This is my first ever abstract! (which is probably obvious!:))
The title sounds a little negative but it tells a story.

I was having trouble deciding on a painting subject this morning. I trawled through my photos for inspiration but an hour later still nothing resonated. I decided in the end to paint this cute plastic bracelet from life that my oldest daughter loved as a child.
I made a start, but the thought of having to spend three or more hours labouring over a realistic shiny painting for the 11th day in a row exhausted me. I persevered for 20 minutes before I realised I just didn't have it in me today. I needed a break.
For many years I have liked the idea of trying my hand at abstracts or semi-abstracts and doing them on a large scale. For some reason I've never taken the plunge. I've been very inspired by Leslie Saeta's abstracts that she is doing for the challenge. I toyed with the idea of trying some abstracts too but decided to stick with the shiny theme. However after hitting the wall today, I decided the time to try an abstract was NOW.
I have no idea really if it has worked, I only know that I had so much fun doing it. I just used the paints I had already squeezed onto my palette and I used a palette knife. I had some colours left over so I did a second one which I will post tomorrow. I can feel a paradigm shift in the air.


  1. It's great! And if you are having fun then that should mean something!

  2. I think Leslie Saeta would be proud of you!

  3. Dear Wendy the colors in your abstract really draws me in. I can see too that the colors in the bracelet were captured in this lovely work. So wonderful friend.

    1. Thanks so much Debbie - you are very kind. It was all a bit of fun!

  4. I like it. The colours are so pretty.

  5. I like it.
    I sometimes wonder how people get awards for abstracts...if you know what I mean. Seems to be the way to go, with abstract art, everyone is doing it, so it's said.

    1. Thanks Margaret!
      Yes I know what you mean!
      I thought it would be fun to try my hand at them out of curiosity.

  6. I'm not good at doing abstracts. My mind just doesn't work that way. Looks like you did great for your first one.

    1. You are very kind Joan. I really have no idea either - just a bit of experimental fun.

  7. hi Wendy!
    I think you might the right choice, listening to your heart and soul, and letting go and having's so much more what this whole challenge is about than sticking ploddingly to a preconceived theme. I too really struggled today with my little panel, couldn't get fired up about it at all, and soon moved on to work on a larger canvas that was hanging about my studio, and it was like "Aahhh...this is more like it!" ha ha.
    I think your abstract is very pleasing, and the main thing is you enjoyed it.

    1. Good on you Sally! Seems we both needed a change of pace. Today's painting was just what I needed as I had burnt myself out on the fine detail of the previous week's work. Thanks for your encouragement!

  8. Thanks so much Alexandra. I far prefer working on board to canvas. The paint feels more buttery and glides on more easily. If painting thinly - which I often tend to do - it means that the paint doesn't get swallowed up by the canvas' texture - if you know what I mean.

  9. GREAT colors!
    What a freeing experience...Keep having fun!
