Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 12 - Spider Orchid

                                           Acrylic on board 15cm x 15cm (6" x 6")

Day 12 of Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. It's amazing what a big slice of each day it seems to take out, even if I only spend between one and two hours on the painting itself.
I didn't begin painting today until nearly 4.30pm and it took longer than expected to finish - nearly 2 hours. So it was pizza for dinner tonight!

I'm so pleased that I bought a daylight lamp on the spur of the moment about a month ago. It has come in very handy for the challenge when I run out of daylight hours. I purposefully didn't make painting my first priority today because jobs around the house were becoming desperate. But of course painting was still a non-negotiable thing to tick off my list of things to do.

Here is the reference photo I painted from today. Our native orchids, are very delicate, precious little creatures. They are extremely difficult to grow in captivity and therefore not available even at specialist wildflower nurseries (as far as I'm aware).


  1. Your rendition of this beautiful orchid is stunning! I love the light and delicate manner you have depicted it. I also like how you are using the photo as reference and making each piece your own. You are doing great Wendy!

    1. Thanks so much Celia, It is so nice having your regular comments throughout the challenge, I really appreciate it! It helps to keep me going!

  2. Okay Wendy!
    You are one rocking and wonderful artist and photographer. Hard to keep up with you great posts! Love the painting "Spider Orchid!" Love the photo also! So different from our NE USA foliage!
    Thanks Cobber!

    1. Thanks for the moral support Michael - it is very much appreciated! Yes, the Australian flora is rather weird and wonderful. I bet the foliage in your area is stunning right now! Are all the leaves turning orange and red?

  3. Amazing and stunning, Wendy! Keep painting . . . Hugs.

    1. Thanks so much Fannie! I'm enjoying following your blog!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Karen! Do you have similar orchids in New Zealand?
