Saturday 4 January 2014

Time Flies!

watercolour illustration circa 2006

Please excuse the quality of this reproduction. I just took a quick snap of it with my old camera. My new camera has turned it's toes up, but hopefully someone will be able to resuscitate it for me.

My youngest daughter recently received the good news that her exam results will enable her to go to her university of choice. So we are all very proud and excited for her.

It's the end of an era! By March I will have both of my daughters going to university. Here in Perth most kids live at home while attending university - mine included, so it is nice to have them living with us for several more years at least. A few of my friends and I were marvelling at how recently it seems that we were going in to their pre-primary classes to help out, and here they are (seemingly 5 minutes later) all grown up.

I did the above illustration when my daughter was around 9 or 10 years old (again, it feels like 5 minutes ago!). She is in the middle with her special friends of the time. I tried to keep all their heights in proportion to each other and they all described to me what they wanted to be wearing in the picture. It was so much fun to do and the girls all loved the finished picture. I sent it to a greeting card publisher in the UK in the hope of selling it - but no luck!

At the moment I'm still in a writing frenzy and I had to pull myself away from the manuscript to post this. I had a moment this morning when I thought I might rear up and do a painting, but the moment passed and the writing won. Hopefully the paintbrushes will be called into action by the end of this coming week.


  1. Wendy, thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. I love having a reason to come and check out a new blog. Your paintings are lovely! I like the square format and the way they look arranged like that. Doing 30 paintings in 30 days is quite a challenge. I do plein air painting or some kind of sketch almost every day, so I know the kind of commitment it was. I'm going to link your blog to mine so I can find it again and visit easily. Also, thanks for that video about Perth. My niece has been living there for the past 2 1/2 years and it was fun to see places she has talked about. Maybe some day I'll get out there to visit her.

    1. Thanks Joan, I love your blog and am in awe at how prolific you are! I love the beautiful winter scenes you are painting.
      It would be great if you do get a chance to visit your niece some day - we could meet up too!. I hope she is enjoying living in Australia.

  2. Hi Wendy, what a really nice watercolor illustration. It's so cute and cheerful. I can imagine that your daughter and her friends were pleased with it. Congratulations to her and the best of luck in March. Too bad that your new camera died. :( Looking forward to your new painting! :)

    1. Thank you dear Hilje! I will pass on your congratulations! Hopefully my camera is salvageable - I must look into getting it fixed. I hope you are getting some painting time?

  3. Happy New Year Wendy! I love your illustration of your daughter with friends. I can see it in a children's book, each with their different personalities. Congratulations to your daughter, it must be wonderful to have them close while studying. They do grow up fast!

    1. Thanks so much Celia! Yes, I am pleased that they can live at home a bit longer. Do kids usually go away for university in Italy? You're doing great work in the 30 day challenge!

  4. What a fabulous idea and painting! I'm sure this was/is a hit with your daughter and girlfriends. I did something similar of my friends on a recent beach trip to Florida - not my greatest work of art, but a very fun project that holds fond memories. I'm sure your daughter will cherish this! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much Debi! I'd love to see the one you did of your friends in Florida!

  5. I agree with you on the time flying and I have the exact same feeling as you with my children going to university and becoming adults. Seems like yesterday they lay in the stroller ! Your watercolor is lovely and happy and surely a great memory.

    1. Thank you Jane! Did your children stay in Italy to study? I really appreciated your visits to my blog!

  6. Wendy! You are so multi-talented! Love this illustration. Love to see the artist, the illustrator, and the author being so productive. This wonderful work of art could be the cover of a terrific children's literature book. Maybe even a series about some wonderful and adventurous Australian children! I love the way you handled the medium! Colored pencils? I can imagine a series of illustrations and a story behind them. You are so right about time flying! I can only imagine what you must be thinking watching the children grow so fast right in front of your eyes!
    Congratulations to your daughter and to you! Choice of university! Good for you and your family!
    Interesting how in Perth university students tend to stay home. In the US mostly the opposite. Not sure why! Enjoy every second with them.
    I got your message and will be posting snow photos soon! A very odd one included! The storm was immense. I loved every second. My brother who lives on the seacoast was a bit nervous with the high tides and wild seas. He made out okay.
    Happy New Year Mate!
    Your Australian Illustration Loving Art Buddy!

    1. You are too kind Michael! I'm glad you like the illustration. I painted it in watercolour, but it does look quite like coloured pencils as there isn't much of a "wash" look going on. I outlined the figures in brown pencil.

      I think maybe the difference with the university situation here could lie in our isolation. Because Perth is so far from anywhere - the nearest capital city - Adelaide - is around 2700kms (1700 miles) away, we have five universities which between them cover every field of study. The University of Western Australia is ranked in the top 100 of the world. Some kids do go away to do their degrees of course but they are in the minority. Many others may do a semester inter-state or overseas. Australian kids are 17 when they finish highschool - in fact my youngest daughter was still a month or so away from turning 17, so I'm glad that they don't have to go away, it seems too young.

      I loved your snow photos and they are the inspiration behind an illustration I have been working on (you'll see what I mean soon!) I have just done the rough but hope to paint and post it soon!

      Sounds like the storm was very scary for your brother and his family. The weather sounds frightening all round over there at the moment. It must be terrible for the ones who lose power and subsequently their heating. It's a good job that you love all sorts of weather as it must be putting even your high tolerance levels to the test!

      Happy New Year to you my freezing Massachusetts Art Cobber!

    2. Wendy! Just finished reading about the very hot and dry weather in parts of Australia! Is this weather affecting you? What parts of Australia are experiencing this horrific heat? Sounds dangerous. Hope all is well!
      Your concerned US mate!

    3. Thanks for your concern Michael. Perth has a forecast for 44 degrees Celsius (111F) tomorrow so we are girding our loins! Thankfully we have an air-conditioner but not everybody has one. Some places in the north of our state have forecasts of around 50C tomorrow!! Sounds like hell!!
      You are right - they are definitely dangerous temperatures to be out in for long. Sounds like you have dangerous temps at the opposite end of the spectrum!
      Hope you're getting some painting done in the cosiness of your home. I'm hoping to paint my illustration tomorrow.

  7. Congrats to your daughter for doing so well on her exam. I can understand how delighted you are that this opens up her world for her in being able to choose the university that is right for her. This is such a sweet illustration of her with her friends, it's nice to see some of the other things artists create, it gives a whole picture of the person. You are a special mum for creating it for your daughter and her friends, a memory for them of their youth. Yes how time flies, it's so true, especially brought home to us mums watching our kids grow up and take flight. I'm interested to hear you're working on a manuscript, good for you!

    1. Thanks so much Sally! Yes, it is nice to see some of the other creative things people do. I loved seeing some of the crafty things you had made and that you featured in your Gallery at the Porch Door photos. I have also just seen your beautiful folded paper images - what a great idea!
      I am just about to head back to look in more detail!

  8. I love this illustration Wendy!
    Congratulations to your daughter. You are lucky that you will have a few more years of her living at home.

  9. Thanks Nancy! I love what you are doing in the 30/30 challenge!

  10. Love the illustration and congratulations on your daughters achievement
    .I love your choice of brown to outline - great!

  11. Nice to know another artist/writer!

  12. What a lovely drawing and memory of your daughter and friends to keep forever.
    Congratulations to your daughter on getting into Uni! I know what you mean about it all happening 5 minutes ago. All my three have completed Uni and are working.....and that also seems like 5 minutes ago !!!
