Sunday, 19 October 2014

Tortoiseshell Sunglasses and Flowers

I did this super quick sketch (5 or 10 minutes) of my youngest daughter the other day while we were at a café waiting for our hot drinks to arrive. Her very glamorous tortoiseshell sunglasses had me in their thrall and I felt compelled to sketch them. You can see where I had to revise the jawline due to my initial haste and the likeness could be better - but it was fun to do!

Life has been frenetic these past couple of weeks so sketching and painting have taken a backseat. I did however write a travel article which was published in the travel lift-out of The West Australian this weekend - very exciting! I have also been tizzying up the garden now that the weather is so pleasant for sitting outside (although it poured with rain this weekend). I have enjoyed taking photos of flowers over the last month or two and thought they would be nice to share. So gird your loins people as there are quite a lot of them!
The following photos were taken at the height of spring when I went for a walk through local remnant bushland with my mum in early September.

The following were taken in my garden in October




These lovely roses below are in the garden where I visit my Dad.

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

30 Sketches in 30 Days

A couple of days ago I thought I'd have to go back and scan all these sketches after discovering at the 11th hour that scanning would eradicate the grey/brown hue of the paper in the photographed versions. However, I was a puddle of exhaustion today so I went with what I already had. The one scan I did at the very end now stands out in a ridiculous manner amongst what I like to now think of as my sepia toned work. But I have come to quite enjoy less than perfect  outcomes. They tell the warts-and-all story of the evolution of things rather than trying to gloss over the shortcomings at the end. Am I rambling? Yes, I thought so! That's one of the side-effects of these 30 day challenges!

Thanks so much to everyone who has left comments and offered words of support and encouragement throughout the month. I'm sorry I haven't responded to all the comments, I will endeavour to lift my game!!! See all the other collages on Leslie Saeta's blog by clicking here.